Top Photo Commenters of May 2013


It’s raining comments in May 2013’s recap of top photo commenters for insane numbers are definitely in!

Comments are our way of expressing love, gratitude, or sometimes, just plain boredom. But whatever that thought was, it sure was counted in this Community of ours. Congratulations and thank you, everyone!

kibs (1,414 comments)
mafiosa (1,249 comments)
sobetion (1,116 comments)
grazie (1,090 comments)
ajagee24701 (698 comments)
simonesavo (597 comments)
why-yu (549 comments)
koduckgirl (533 comments)
atria007 (522 comments)
adash (510 comments)

written by mayeemayee on 2013-06-08 #news #top-photo-commenters #2013-community-recap #may-2013-recap


  1. kibs
    kibs ·

    Thank you @mayeemayee !!!

  2. mayeemayee
    mayeemayee ·

    Thank you too for the comments! :) @kibs, @mafiosa, @sobetion, @grazie, @ajagee24701, @simonesavo, @why-yu, @koduckgirl, @atria007, @adash

  3. sobetion
    sobetion ·

    hehe!! thanks Mayee @mayeemayee and congrats everyone <3 ^____^

  4. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    Thank you @mayeemayee !! I definitely knew that @kibs would be at the top of this list, but am surprised to be on it myself:) Great work all of you for commenting on all the wonderful photos: @kibs @sobetion, @grazie, @ajagee24701, @simonesavo, @why-yu, @kod

  5. ajagee24701
    ajagee24701 ·

    Congrats everyone!

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