1968 Mercury Monterey, and old guys with this car recognized the Argus I was shooting with and made sure I know it was made in near by Ann Arbor

Because I go to so many Cruise Ins and Car Shows, I thought I'd make it more interesting for y'all to look at all my car photos by Souping up some of the rolls. This is the first show of the season, the Ypsilanti Area Street Rod Show & Shine. Let's see, DIY Redscale of expired film, a camera made in the 1940's, which I forget what lens position was which focus distance, then after shooting I took it into a darkroom and dribbled with too much OxiClean and Taster's Choice Decaf.


  1. clickiemcpete
    clickiemcpete ·


  2. alburnkat
    alburnkat ·

    @clickiemcpete It's always fun when someone recognizes I'm shooting with film, but especially so when they recognize the camera.