Jardines de Turia

The Gardens of Turia (Jardines de Turia) in Valencia is 9km of greenery surrounded by ancient walls and buildings. As this place has always been prone to floods, it actually got severely damaged back in 1957 that even a number of people lost their lives and most of the city was ruined. Because of this, Valencia decided to divert the course of the river paving the way for the birth of this lush garden.

From then on, several developments were eventually put up along its river banks – architectural monuments, a museum, and cultural centers. The government went to as far as developing the river bed into a delightful leisure and cultural hot spot.

Now, this river bed serves as an embodiment of Valencia’s unique charm. It is here where tourists can enjoy a calming atmosphere. A walk around this area can easily reveal a different side of Valencia and its people. If you detest the hustle and bustle of the city, this place definitely makes for a welcome change. It’s the perfect refuge for you to relax and de-stress.

Each time I go to Valencia, I almost always end up here. It simply is the perfect spot to take snaps of cute dogs and beautiful palm trees – two of my favorite subjects ever. The place is full of runners, roller skaters, as well as children. There’s also a charming musical fountain that is illuminated by different colors. Tangerine trees also abound although I don’t recommend you eating its fruit as they are seriously bitter! There are also loads of activities for the kids to enjoy like a replica of Gulliver (from the fairy tale Gulliver’s Travels) laying on the ground.

written by neja on 2010-11-16 #places #river #flowers #landmark #relax #dogs #spain #walk #plants #palm-trees #gardens #location #valencia #turia

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