Submission by holgardo

lupus in fabula

"Lupus in fabula" (the wolf is in the tale)is a latin locution that means that someone we were talking about, comes in. For english speakers it would be "Speak of the devil"; for spanish speakers, "Hablando del Rey de Roma, por la puerta asoma" (Speaking of the King of Rome, through the door he appears).
In this double exposure serie ther´s always a wolf in the frame. Sometimes it is in clear sight, sometimes it is hidding.

Trial and Error: Burning Sun

For this "Trial and Error" challenge, overexposure is the name of the game. Pull the film up to two or three stops (if you're feeling bold!) for extra boost of sunshine. Or add dazzling atmosphere to your photographs with (accidental or intentional) light leaks.

Other submissions by holgardo